Thursday, April 23, 2015

Faithful in Prayer

            In the last post, I asked for readers to consider coming alongside Restoration Ministries (RM) and standing against domestic sex trafficking through commitment to prayer. Prayer is the backbone of this ministry; RM’s staff devotes time to prayer and worship before each visit at the detention center and psychiatric hospital. We believe that prayer breaks strongholds over these girls, allowing them to see and receive God’s love for them. We also believe that prayer position us to be ready to respond to any need that we encounter with the grace and love of God. Prayer is vital to sustain ministry and reap from the harvest.

            Please pray specifically for the following requests.

1.    A suitable facility in DC that provides living space for clients and room for counseling.
2.   A house to use as a transitional/independent living residence for survivors.
3.   Financial stability to afford rent and run programs.
4.   For healing and clarity over sexual identity issues, which many of our girls struggle to reconcile.
5.    Purpose, reconciliation, and healthy outlets for our girls who self-harm through cutting and suicide attempts.
6.   A business enterprise such as a restaurant or café that would offer financial stability to the ministry and entry-level job skills for our girls.
7.   Free or reduced cost services to create a new website.
8.   Clear message with the rebranding of our ministry.
9.   Clear direction as we update old programs and create new ones.
10. That God would be glorified in all we say and do.

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