Tuesday, October 18, 2011

DC Stop Modern Slavery Walk - This Saturday!

Join us this Upcoming Saturday, October 22, 2011 for the D.C. Stop Modern Slavery Walk.  Join hundreds of other advocates against modern slavery and human trafficking as we walk on the mall taking a stand against injustice.  Sign up at: http://www.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=482690 and join the Restoration Ministries team. 

From the event website: The event will include a 5K walk, anti-trafficking resource fair, luminary speakers, and incredible musical performances.


8:00 - 9:00 am - Check-in
9:00 am - Walk Begins 
10:15 am - Performers, Speakers & Information Fair Begins
1:00 pm - Event Ends
All participants must register to walk.  Children 13 and under can participate for free, but must also register (required by the National Park Service).
Length of Walk:
5K (3.1 miles) 
There is also an alternate .5 mile walk around the pond by the family activity area.
National Mall - Constitution Gardens
Constitution Avenue NW and 20th St NW Washington DC

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