Tuesday, August 9, 2011

International Christian Alliance on Prostitution 2011 Conference

“Liminality”.  This new word struck a cord with me as I sat in a workshop during the 2011 International Christian Alliance on Prostitution (ICAP) Conference.  Liminality, I learned means “the place in-between”.  The workshop leader emphasized the importance of making space for the survivors you work with to ask questions, wrestle with the “Why’s?, and take some time in that place in-between their trauma and healing.  

This year’s conference was held at the serene Green Lake Conference Center in Green Lake, WI.  This lakeside retreat was perfect for direct service providers, those fighting on the front lines against human trafficking and prostitution around the globe.  It was a breath of fresh air for the individuals and organizations who give endless time, energy, and God-given passion to serve such a unique demographic.

40 countries were represented at this year’s conference.  Members from each country proudly sang worship in their own tongue, wore beautiful native dress, and came to share what the Lord is doing with survivors in other areas of the world.  In addition to offering therapeutic services, many of these organizations offer training in a new trade or skill.  They sold beautiful hand-made jewelry, scarves, purses, clothes and pieces of art.  

The speakers, Elsy Carvlho, Jill Briscoe, and Rhea Briscoe used their hearts for ministry to refresh and re-energize the ICAP community.  God spoke through these dynamic women to encourage everyone in attendance.

From the ICAP website: “The International Christian Alliance on Prostitution (ICAP) unites, equips and empowers practitioners and advocates who compassionately challenge injustice and offer freedom to people exploited by prostitution, including sex trafficking.”  To learn more, please visit www.ICAPglobal.org.
